Nordsøfonden owns a 20 % share of the gas pipeline that runs between the Tyra platform and the F3/FB platform. The F3/FB platform is located in the Dutch part of the North Sea, and the pipeline is around 100 km long.
From the F3/FB platform, the gas is fed into the NOGAT pipeline, which carries it to the Netherlands and the Dutch supply system.
Nordsøfonden acquired its original 10 % ownership share in 2018 and acquired an additional 10 % share in 2021 meaning Nordsøfonden now owns 20 % of the pipeline.
Total Danmark Pipelines A/S - 31.2 %
BlueNord Pipeline Denmark ApS - 36.8 %
Total Denmark ASW Pipeline ApS - 12.0 %
Nordsøfonden - 20.0 %