The purpose of CCS technology is to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere. CCS stands for “Carbon Capture and Storage”, i.e. capture and storage of carbon dioxide underground.
Tool for reaching climate goals
CCS technology has the potential to make a significant contribution to achieving Danish goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Using CCS carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere. This means that the CO2 captured and stored can be deducted from the overall carbon accounts.
The 2020 Danish climate agreement for energy and industry, etc. stipulates that the CCS technology is to play a key role in Denmark’s work to achieve its national climate targets. Since then a number of political agreements, including an overall strategy, have been concluded to ensure the development of CCS in Denmark.
In addition to contributing to the achievement of the national climate goals, the development of CCS can potentially create jobs and become good business for Danish society.
Danish underground’s potential
Analyses from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) indicate that the Danish underground has great potential for storing carbon dioxide. Therefore, the Danish subsoil has potential to store emissions from our neighbouring countries. Thereby, Denmark has the potential to become a European hub for carbon storage.
The oil and gas fields in the Danish section of the North Sea feature structures that may be well suited to use for storage once the fields have been depleted. The subsea geological structures are well documented and some of the existing infrastructure i.e. platforms and pipelines could potentially be used or retrofitted in connection with the transport and storage of carbon dioxide.
On land and in near shore areas, there are structures in the subsoil which may be suitable for carbon storage. Here new equipment and infrastructure must be established, but it is still expected to be cheaper to store carbon dioxide onshore and near shore compared to offshore.
CCS projects
The CCS-sector is developing rapidly – both internationally and nationally. In Denmark, work is being done on a number of fronts to develop the entire value chain for CCS.
In addition to participating in the Danish carbon storage licences, Nordsøfonden is involved in a number of different projects, including:
Partner in Project Bifrost
Project Bifrost is a comprehensive study with a focus on developing a full-scale concept for the transport and storage of carbon dioxide in the Harald field in the Danish sector of the North Sea.
The partnership behind project Bifrost consists of the Danish Underground Consortium (TotalEnergies, BlueNord and Nordsøfonden) as well as Ørsted, who owns the pipelines, and the Technical University of Denmark as an academic partner.
The project was supported by the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) and ended in 2024.
Read project Bifrost summary
Member of the advisory group for the CO2 Storage Reference Project
The project includes a mapping of potential carbon storage locations in the Danish subsoil. In 2022-23, seismic data has been collected and will be made publicly available as they are completed.
The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is responsible for the project with technical support from, among others, Uppsala University and COWI. Nordsøfonden participates in an advisory group together with other potential storage operators – all with experience from the oil and gas industry.
As part of the Danish CCS strategy from 2021, the project was supported with DKK 210 million for the period 2022-24.
Member of the CO2 Hub Europe
CO2 Hub Europe is a coalition of leading Danish CCS players and researchers. The coalition will carry out an analysis project that will contribute to developing Denmark's potential to become Europe's central CO2 hub. The project focuses on identifying the optimal regulation, financing and risk distribution between private players and the state.
Behind the project are, among others, C4, Crossbridge, Dansk Fjernvarme, HOFOR, Nordsøfonden, TotalEnergies, Triangle Energy Alliance and Ørsted. The project's advisory board includes Concito, DTU and INNO-CCUS.
Member of the CCUS alliance
The alliance is a network for CCUS - Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage. The purpose of the network is to provide participants with up-to-date knowledge about Danish and international companies and technologies within the CCUS market, to strengthen relations between Danish players throughout the value chain, and to ensure a close dialogue with the responsible authorities.
Behind the network are DI, Dansk Fjernvarme, Offshore Denmark, Danske Rederier, Dansk Metal, Green Power Denmark and the think tank Axcelfuture. In addition, a wide range of companies, including Nordsøfonden, participates in the work. The companies offer experience and knowledge, in terms of carbon capture, transport and storage.
Link to the CCUS alliance's website (Danish only)