Nordsøfonden partner in three new licences onshore for exploration and storage of CO2


Today, the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities has awarded the first onshore licences for exploration and storage of CO2.

The Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities has awarded a total of three new licences for exploration and storage of CO2, and Nordsøfonden participates on behalf of the state with a 20 percent share in all licences.

"As the Danish State Subsurface Resource Company, our task is to generate value for Danish society by exploiting the potential of the subsurface - both economically and climate-wise. Therefore we are pleased to become partner in three additional licences, which have the potential to contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and thereby help to achieve the climate goals", says Birgitta Jacobsen, CEO.

Now exploration commences in the three licences in order to determine the potential in the areas. If the areas are found suitable for storage, the licensees can apply for permission to store CO2.

"The three new licences are distinguished by all being onshore. This is different to offshore licences, because the work in these new licences will take place close to the Danes’ everyday life. We will approach the task with great respect, and we will do our part to ensure that the local communities feel well informed and reassured that all steps are carried out with professional care and consideration." says Birgitta Jacobsen.

Nordsøfonden now has a share in six licences for exploration and storage of CO2 - three offshore and three onshore. It is expected, that The Danish Energy Agency will announce new licensing rounds for exploration and storage of CO2, which will include coastal areas. Here too, Nordsøfonden will be partner and manage the Danish State's interests.


Read the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities press release (in Danish)

Read the Danish Energy Agency's press release (in Danish)


Map over six storage licences in Denmark



Licence C2024-01: Greenstore

Company Share
Wintershall Dea International GmbH (Operatør) 40 %
INEOS E&P A/S 40 %
Nordsøfonden 20 %


Licence C2024-02: Ruby

Company Share
CarbonCuts A/S (Operatør) 80 %
Nordsøfonden 20 %


Licence C2024-03: CO2 Storage Kalundborg

Company Share
Equinor Low Carbon Solutions Denmark A/S (Operatør) 60 %
Ørsted Carbon Solutions A/S 20 %
Nordsøfonden 20 %



Birgitta Jacobsen

More om CCS

If you want to find out more about CCS, you can read more at (Danish only).

The website gathers knowledge about capturing and storing CO2 in one place.

Nordsøfonden stands behind the website together with a large number of other players who want to contribute to ensuring that everyone can find answers and get an overview of the technology.